The Studio Gatto family


“The brain”


“The handyman”


“The reflective one”


“The creative one”

Studio Gatto is a family business founded by an Italian couple that began its adventure in 1989 with the opening of its first store in Vilanova i la Geltrú, in the Garraf region.

The founders of Studio Gatto then introduce the concept of a modular kitchen of high quality and Italian design at an affordable price. The second generation of the family has joined this project with enthusiasm and passion. Aware of the increasingly demanding needs of customers and to offer them more services, Studio Gatto inaugurates in 2002 a new store in the industrial area Vilanoveta in Sant Pere de Ribes. A 400m2 warehouse that allows to expand the display of kitchens, appliances, and accessories. The new location provides more parking and more space for storage and logistics.

Constantly developing, the Studio Gatto team specializes in complete and partial home renovation and interior design to encompass the different areas of the sector. It works with leading brands and trusted suppliers to offer first class equipment to its customers and advanced design software to present the projects in 3D rendering.

As a result of the growth in 2008 Studio Gatto opens a new point of sale in El Vendrell in the Baix Penedés region, a large space of 300m2 to offer its products and services to more customers.

This evolution is always based on the values that define our philosophy: proximity, trust, commitment.

The Family greets and awaits you.


Founders Studio Gatto

Luigi and Carmen


First Studio Gatto store

Vilanova i la Geltrú


Showroom creation and relocation

Vilanoveta (St. Pere de Ribes)


Opening Studio Gatto II

El Vendrell

Nova imatge Studio Gatto


New corporate image

Logo, web.


New external image

Fleet renewal, new facade


Founders today

We evolve without losing the essence.

Find them again in
Nonno Luigi’s Corner

Whatsapp Studio Gatto