
This is a special day…Mother’s Day…I could not resist and although it is Nonno Luigi’s corner, I have given her the day off and today I share a delicious recipe of my mother’s. I did not know which one to choose because everything she cooks is delicious but I had to choose one and in the end I present this recipe of artichokes with almond sauce from “Mia Mama”. I didn’t know which one to go for because everything she cooks is delicious but I had to choose one and in the end I present you this recipe of artichokes with almond sauce from “Mia Mama”, the most tender in the world like her…..


-6 medium artichokes (try to have the same size).

-2 lemons

-100g of almonds (whole or powdered) unroasted

-bunch of parsley

-3 cloves of garlic

-salt and pepper

-olive oil

artichoke recipe mother's day

First of all we have to peel the artichokes removing the hardest leaves.  It is not a question of peeling it all and leaving only the heart we can also take advantage of the most tender leaves. Once peeled, cut the artichokes in half and a fantastic trick to prevent them from turning black is to rub them immediately with a lemon. This way they will keep their beautiful color.

Chop a few cloves of garlic and parsley with a pestle and mortar. We take the artichoke halves and salt and pepper them and opening a little their central leaves we put the garlic and the chopped parsley inside.

Once this step is done, we take a casserole, we introduce the artichokes in a bottom of cold water to cover them a little more than half, we add a good splash of olive oil and about 2 or 3 slices of lemon. Not too much lemon to avoid bitterness. We let it all simmer covered so that with the same steam the artichokes are softened and become tender.

The last step is to add the finely chopped almonds diluted with a little water to the casserole together with the artichokes. We let it reduce a little more time so that the almonds help to thicken the remaining broth. And Voilà! fantastic, fresh and light artichokes for vegetable lovers!

receta de la alacahofa para el dia de la madre

The most tender artichokes in the world like moms!

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